The North Star was a nineteenth-century antislavery newspaper published in Rochester, New York, by abolitionist Frederick Douglass. Inspired by the design and purpose of the 1969 volume 14 magazine.

The LIBERATlON magazine has provided a unique series of informative analysis, integrity and commitment to the kind of social and cultural change that is necessary in our present age.
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Follow the Drinking Gourd is a folk song first published in 1928. The Drinking Gourd is another name for the Big Dipper asterism. The enlsaved used the Big Dipper—aka the Drinking Gourd—as a guide to finding the North Star in the

night sky which led them to the
northern (freed) states Facing the Big Dipper, the viewer
northern (freed) states Facing the Big Dipper, the viewer
would see the North Star. The song further describes the road to freedom.
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This design was inspired by the famous Huey P. Newton quote “The revolution has always been in the hands of the young. The young always inherit the revolution.” The young always inherit the revolution.

Their minds are the most powerful thing in this world.
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The design was inspired by comets. Comets may have helped provide life by supplying Earth with vital molecules such as water. Like comets, Abolish aims to provide lives around the world with inspiration and information necessary

for shaping a brighter future.
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Inspired by the drinking gourd and other aspects of the celestial sphere, this design is emphasizing the idea of freedom and breaking all shackles that imprison us both physically and mentally.

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The Vision

Follow the Drinking Gourd

Shooting Star

The Youth Shape Our Future

Let The Stars Guide You To Freedom